About Us
Our accounting office was established in 2005. We have used this time to expand our knowledge and develop practical skills. Constant improvement of our qualifications and service qualities is our objective.
We enjoy the confidence of our clients and we are very glad that many of them have cooperated with us since the beginning of the office.
Our Clients
Numerous and important group of our clients. An Individual entrepreneurs expect not only basic accounting services but also advice and assistance in solving simple and more complicated matters. Entrepreneurs recommend our services.
A wide group of entities, from the smallest civil partnerships providing services to large general partnerships and limited partnerships dealing with production. What's specific, each partner is subject to taxation, not the partnership itself. We serve entities with a turnover exceeding PLN 100 million per year what makes us proud.
A large group of diverse entities. The operation of the LLC is formalized and requires full accounting. Size regardless, every company will find right offer.
Non-profit social organizations working out statutory tasks, including those running a business. Depending on nature of the organization, its income may be tax exempt. Foundations and associations are among our clients.
One of the forms of conducting business activity in Poland is running a business by foreign enterprises. Keeping the accounts of the branch, we consider the reporting requirements of a parent company. Communication in English assured.
1. Perfect combination of service quality and price
Excellent quality of services along with professional assistance make an ideal offer in attractive price.
Trouble-free communication
All activities relating to accounting services may be conducted via internet without personal meetings.
Immediate help
90 percent of questions are answered right away or within 24 hours. We like to solve tough problems.